Monday, 11 August 2014



Now that we have discussed and discovered the secrets about belly fat, it's now time to take practical measures to lose it. Belly fat is not a thing to be toyed with, not just because it makes us look like descendants of hippos and elephants but mainly because of the health risks it poses.

Let's use this 7days workout and diet plan to kick start our belly fat/weight loss journey. These plans are helpful and professionally designed by nutritionists and fitness/wellness experts and consultants.

However, note that both plans are generic and not designed to fit any particular health/medical and lifestyle needs. So it is NOT advisable to stick to the plan in long term cause like we believe and know for a fact here at #DIETCHIC, there is no one size fits all diet/fitness plan.

Welcome to your weight loss journey and never forget that we are here to hold your hands as we motivate and inspire you to make healthy lifestyle choices from here on.


It's important to start slow and easy to let your body gradually get used to not being fed the ways it's used to. Also note that this work out plan is mainly for people who have lost some of their belly fat and are trying to tighten their stomach muscles. If you are still trying to lose belly fat please refer to the HIIT exercise plan on yesterday's post.

***Have one banana daily pre workout***

DAY 1:

Start by doing 20fast jumping jacks then taking a brisk 30minutes power walk swinging your arms nonstop as you walk. Back home do 20leg lifts and call it a day.

DAY 2:

Start by stretching then rapidly do 60 jumping jacks, 60 leg lifts, 60 bicycle crunches, 60 heel touches, 60 knee crunches, 60 seconds planking.

DAY 3:

45seconds mountain climber, 80 tummy crunches, 80 reverse crunches, 80 toes touches situps, 80 knee and toe tap situps, 80 leg lifts, 60 seconds side plank (30seconds on each side).

DAY 4:

15minutes sprinting swing arms non stop as you sprint. 60 bicycle crunches, 60 seconds mountain climber, 60 knee crunches, 60 heel touches, 60 seconds side plank (30seconds on each side), 45 seconds planking.

DAY 5:

Start by doing 40fast jumping jacks then taking a brisk 30minutes power walk swinging your arms nonstop as you walk, alternate with short 5minutes very fast sprints at intervals. Back home do 80leg lifts, 80 tummy crunches, 80 reverse crunches and 45 seconds planking.

DAY 6:


DAY 7:

Begin with a 20 minutes fast paced vigorous dance and REPEAT DAY 2


Please note that this is a short term generic diet and exercise plan that can be embarked on by anyone, however, it is highly recommended that you consult with your Doctor before embarking on any diet,weight loss and/or workout routine.

This meal plan if followed "religiously" will produce significant belly fat loss result, as long as the user has no underlying medical problems especially metabolic disorders. However, please be warned that the meal plan should not be adhered to for more than 7 days except advised by a registered nutritionist (after medical tests and comparing results to the meal plan).

***Within 30minutes of waking up, drink a glass of warm water with freshly 1 medium freshly squeezed lemon or 2 small limes. Repeat this every morning. Please note that contrary to general belief, lime does not "suck blood", "melt fat" or "damage your womb"... *rme* as ridiculous as they all sound, these are some of the genuine concerns raised by several people. The key role of lemon/lime is to help speed up your metabolism.

DAY 1:

Morning: 1/2cup of oatmeal with 200ml unsweetened soya milk and 2boiled egg whites

Snack: 1medium orange, 10 raw almond nuts

Lunch: 1cup Fresh vegetable salad (lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, tomato, 25g sliced chicken frankfurter)

Snack: 1cup cubed watermelon, 1cup fat free yoghurt (homemade)

Dinner: 1portion oven grilled chicken breast with 1cup steamed broccoli and cabbage (sprinkle a teaspoon of extravirgin oil to steamed veggies)

DAY 2:

Morning: 1cup fat free yoghurt (homemade), 2slices bacon crisps (DO NOT FRY, oven bake or sear in a hot skillet), 1cup of green tea (no sugar no cream).

Snack: 1medium pear

Lunch: 1cup couscous and 1/2cup steamed tomato & bell peppers, 1/2 portion grilled or pan seared salmon

Snack: 1/4 medium avocado

Dinner: 1cup Ugu (pumpkin leaf) and chicken breast stir fry

DAY 3:

Morning: 2egg white green-vegetable omelette (make omelette with spinach, green onions, lettuce), 1medium grape fruit, 1cup of green tea (no coffee, no cream)

Snack: 1medium carrot

Lunch: 1cup green garden egg(aubergine) and flat dry fish pepper soup

Snack: 1/2cup red grapes

Dinner: 1cup Ugu (pumpkin leaf) and chickpea stir-fry, 1cup sliced pineapple

DAY 4:

Morning: 1/2cup of oatmeal with 200ml unsweetened soya milk and 2boiled egg whites

Snack: 1medium banana

Lunch: 1cup fresh Okro and Ugu (pumpkin leaf) soup (prepare with 1/2 teaspoon of Palm oil)

Snack: 1garden egg, 10 raw almond nuts

Dinner: 1cup brown beans porridge prepared with flat dry fish

DAY 5:

Morning: 1cup pineapple and watermelon smoothie (homemade), 50g chicken frankfurter

Snack: 1cup fat free yoghurt (homemade)

Lunch: 1cup unripe plantain porridge (no palm oil) mix with 1cup steamed Ugu or spinach (steam with one small flat dry fish and a pinch of salt)

Snack: 1/4 avocado

Dinner: 1/2cup mashed sweet potato and 1cup flat dry fish pepper soup

DAY 6:

Morning: 1cup cucumber, lettuce and garden egg smoothie, 1boiled egg white, 1cup green tea

Snack: 1medium apple

Lunch: 1cup brown rice, 1/2 grilled chicken breast, 1/2cup tomato salsa

Snack: 1grapefruit

Dinner: 1cup Ugu (pumpkin leaf) and chickpea stir-fry, 1cup cubed watermelon

DAY 7:

Morning: 2egg white green-vegetable omelette (make omelette with spinach, green onions, lettuce), 1cup fat free yoghurt (homemade)

Snack: 1medium pear

Lunch:  1cup brown beans porridge prepared with flat dry fish

Snack: 1medium grapefruit

Dinner: 1cup Ugu (pumpkin leaf) and chickpea stir-fry, 1cup sliced

***REMEMBER! Have one banana daily pre workout***

If you have any questions please send them in and you'll get answers.

I love you for reading.


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