You're trying to lose weight, right? Right! You've done your best, right? Right! You've done all you should, right? Wrong! The only reason you've tried so hard and not lost weight or keep losing and gaining more back is simply because you've probably truly done all you can but have not done all you should.

Today, let's explore some of the reasons your hard work and efforts have not paid off. Let's look at some of those things you have been doing to lose weight and why they are a no-no. So it is my pleasure to tell you that you are not losing weight because you:
STARVE/SKIP MEALS (Fasting for weight loss)
You go to the gym, do sit ups, tummy crunches, lift weights, skip meals and have "just" a bottle/can of coke, malt, low sugar, sugar free drink, beer, still your belly fat gets bigger... Ha-ha-ha-ha... It's the drink. You'll be shocked at the caloric content of most drinks (alcoholic/non-alcoholic) and juices. "What about the zero and sugar free ones?", they're no good either. Not as bad but if you will trust me on this, AVOID THEM as well. I'll soon write a post on the dangers of zero drinks.
You want to lose belly fat and keep drinking -excuse my French- bull crap? Nope! You can't eat your cake and have it. When you crave a drink, drink cold water. Flavour it with cucumber, lemon/lime, ginger or simply throw some fruit in a blender and voila, you have a naturally sweet drink.
As a living victim of the potentially fatal weight loss pills and teas, I tell you categorically that you can NEVER achieve real, sustainable weight loss by depending on teas, pills, potions, etc. You can NEVER lose weight by eating whatever you like, whenever you like and not exercising. The dangers of weight loss pills are insurmountable and I will dedicate a post to that soon. The weight loss business has become a billion dollar industry world over and many greedy business men sell all kinds of lies and deceits to gullible, lazy people who want the easy way out whereas in all honesty there is no easy way out in real, sustainable weight loss.
Our parents raised us with too much food just like their parents did but the truth is, many times we eat much more than we require. In reality, what to us is the 'normal' portion of food is actually 'abnormal'. Each human (adult, child, male, female) needs a certain percentage of nutrients from each food group daily, however, most of us fill up on some nutrients and totally ignore others. To have a balanced daily diet, you don't need to eat the mounds of food you are used to. In all honesty, if we only begin with reducing our food portion for one year, we will lose some weight no matter how little.
So you've decided that since starvation and eating too much don't make you lose weight you'll resort to eating too little, well, that too is a no-no and this is why. Eating too little can slow down your metabolism making weight loss not only more difficult but almost impossible. Your metabolism can slow down by as much as 30% when you eat too little, the lesser you eat the more your metabolism slows down and can stay that way for a very long. Your not eating enough can make you lose weight for a few weeks then abruptly stop as your body plateaus, that's why sometimes you stop losing weight "no matter what you do". Eating too little can also push you to snack indiscriminately.
Check in tomorrow for the concluding part but in the mean time do send in questions and comments.
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